Thursday, May 17, 2012

Brunch with Cousins

MLM has been busy lately and is a bit behind in chronicling Adam and Ashley's first year; apologies to our loyal readers.  

First we'd like to send a shout out to Uncle Shimon in Vancouver.  He's a proud grandfather to Elizabeth!  She was born to cousins Mark and Elena on May 16 at 2:30 am.  She's either an early riser or a night owl, depending on how you look at it.  We're looking forward to lots of photos!

Today we're sharing photos from a brunch we had last weekend with our NY cousins, Ava and Samantha.  Adam and Ashley munched on bagels and then had lots of fun playing with Ava, Samantha and toys.

Teething on a bagel
Destroying the bagel.
Reward for eating:  playing with Lambie.
Hugs from Samantha
Ava's a great teacher!
Big smiles with Crafty Auntie.

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