Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Clay Play

Ashley and Adam played with clay for the first time today.  Adam loved it!  Their favorite part is when Ana or MLM place their hand on the clay and say "smoosh!".  Lucky for MLM this is edible (not tasty, just edible) clay. 

Hmm.  What is this?
It's mushy! -- Adam
Mine smooshes too! -- Ashley
Mommy, wanna eat some?
I'm scared of snakes.  Are there any hiding under the table?
Nope.  Not a snake.  It's a hungry caterpillar.
 Seems like Ashley would rather play with Ana.  I don't blame her.  Miss Ana is fun!

1 comment:

  1. The kids think it's food- you give them food the same way on the table..I like the way you stop the camera just when you start fishing around in Adam's mouth...the fun part of this film!
