Thursday, September 27, 2012

Apple Picking

Last weekend we went to Nashoba Valley Winery and Orchard to pick apples with our friends.  Adam and Ashley had a blast.  Our furry friend Kona provided the morning's first excitement.  Then the delight of picking -- and eating apples -- made it a perfect morning.

the citizens are skeptical
Ready to head out into the orchard
Daddy, what's growing on that tree?
"Yuck.  These apples don't look edible"  MLM
following written directions for apple picking

Silly Daddy.  Apple picking is easy.  Watch.

Mommy, my arms aren't long enough to reach.
Finally!  I get to eat!
Apples are tasty.
This is better than a toy.

And if these photos weren't enough for you, here's a piece of the live action.

Why did Daddy shout?  Why did the filming stop?  Adam picked a rotten apple and was about it eat it.  So we tried again:

Ashley is almost successful.  So we tried again.

Seems like the A-team figured this out, so we decided to let them try another skill:  dropping apples in the bag:

With a little more practice, we'll be poised to pick perfect produce next season.

1 comment:

  1. Apple picking is so much fun! Looks like you all had a blast!
