Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Bon Voyage Ana!

With tears of happiness in my eyes, I'm dedicating this blog post to Ana, our au pair.  Ana spent the past year with us refining her already extensive English skills (now with Noo Yawk lilt) and helping to care for Adam and Ashley. 

When Ana arrived in the US, the citizens were only 5 months old and not yet sitting up.  Ana has watched them blossom into toddlers with distinct preferences and individuals with their own sense of humor.  She found a ticklish spot on Adam's back.  Ana combs Ashley's hair better than I ever will.  She knows and loves the citizens as if she were their mother, giving me and their father great confidence about the care and love she has shown to Adam and Ashley over the past year.

This past weekend we gathered Ana's American friends and attempted to send her off in style.  We proudly showcased her favorite foods, like authentic NY black and white cookies (thanks Aunt Melanie and Uncle Scott!), parmigiana de berenjena (eggplant parmigiana), lasagna, caesar salad and nail polish nips (thanks Ava!).  Below are some of the photos from the day.

Today Ana will board a flight to Brazil, full of excitement for the future and eager to see family and friends.  At the same time, her friends in Boston will miss her fiercely. 

It's never easy to say goodbye.  And saying "thank you" doesn't seem like it expresses quite enough.  I sincerely hope that we will keep in touch, that Ana will remember us fondly, and that love, health, happiness and good fortune follow Ana wherever life leads her.  She will always have a special place in our hearts and a second place she can always call "home".

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