Saturday, December 14, 2013

Talking 001

Now that Adam and Ashley are much chattier, it's time to start sharing some of their pearls of wisdom, demands, or jokes.  These posts probably won't have photos, but they're (almost) guaranteed to make you smile.

So without further ado, here's what I heard this morning as I was getting dressed:

..... out of nowhere, Ashley exclaims:  I want bacon when we get there.
Me:  Where are we going?  [note:  I was getting dressed for work.   We weren't going out for breakfast.]
Adam:  To da ress-tah-rant.
Me:  Oh!  That makes sense.
Ashley:  I want Daddy's bacon too!
Daddy:  OK, I'll share.
Ashley:  smiles
Me:  Ashley, if you eat Daddy's bacon, what will he eat?
Ashley:  Eggies!

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