Friday, January 31, 2014

Homeschooling, Lesson #12

Today's homeschooling lesson:  survival.  Without chocolate chip cookies, one cannot survive.  The citizens readily grasped this concept.  MLD helped out by taking some video for us.

After a fantastic display of teamwork and sharing, the citizens were ready to put the cookies into the oven.

There were lots of questions at this point, and most of them were variations on a theme:  can we eat them NOW?

The answer was no, the cookies aren't ready yet.  They have to bake and cool.  But you can try some of the dough!  This option wasn't appealing to either kid.

You, our faithful reader, must be wondering: are they ready yet?  Did the kids like them?  Well, wait!  They have to bake and cool.  Check tomorrow's post.

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