Thursday, May 29, 2014

When in NY...

... do as the locals do.

In this case, it refers to eating French crullers.  I fondly recall this pastry from my childhood and teenage years.  Every Sunday my grandfather would bring me a fresh bagel and a French cruller.  While I was in college, the bakery went out of business.  Before each trip home, my grandfather would call all of the bakeries he knew to see who would be making crullers that weekend.

So when Adam and Ashley's grandfather found a new bakery that made French crullers just like I remembered, it brought back lots of wonderful memories.  And lots of funny photos!

oooohhhhh.  This IS good.
Isn't my chocolate mustache cute?
O' sole mio!  How I love these crullers!
Who needs a fresh bagel?  I've got a cruller.
Adam has a point.  This IS good.
I have a chocolate mustache too!

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