Monday, August 4, 2014

Papa's Cheese

When Grandma and Papa come to visit, they always bring cookies.  More recently they have been bringing other delicacies from NY too, like "Papa's Cheese".  Now before you run off to the deli looking for this one, it's really called "munchee cheese" and I've never seen it anywhere other than NY.  

So why is it called "Papa's Cheese" in these parts?  I dunno.  I guess Papa really likes it!

1 comment:

  1. It is called sweet munchee cheese as opposed to muenster cheese. As far as I know, it is made in Wisconsin and not too many places except delis, Shop Rite, Fairway and Wegman's carry it. It is called Papa's Cheese because your papa's papa bought it for him. It is bought by papas for little kids.
