Tuesday, July 7, 2015

G'malim Graduates

We've taken a lot of photos and videos over the past few weeks.  Thanks for your patience as I sort through all of them to find the funniest / best ones to share.

In today's clip we see Adam and Ashley graduating from the G'malim preschool class.  In the following clip, we see their class singing a very cute song.  Lyrics are below.

The moon at night goes blink-a blink-a blink-a
Right in to my eye.
The stars at night go twinkle twinkle twinkle
Way up in the sky.
The skunk at night goes stink-a stink-a stink-a
Makes me want to cry.
Oh blink-a blink-a blink
Oh twinkle twinkle twink
Oh stink-a stink-a stink
Oh my!

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