Sunday, March 11, 2012

Month Seven

Today Adam and Ashley are 7 months old!  It's easier to photograph them because they do not fall over as quickly, but it's also harder because they grab at the stickers and at the bears.

Today's post is dedicated to the funny unposed photos from our shoot.  Our serious reporting coverage of the A-team will resume with the next post.

Are you feeling OK Ashley Bear?  You're laying down.
Let me take your pulse.
"Ashley, I've got bad news.  Stickers are not edible." Adam
Oops!  I crunched up the sticker.  I can't wear it again.
Have you tried unfolding it?
Wasn't me.  I didn't knock him over.
There has to be a way to flatten this out.
See the sticker?  I fixed it all by myself!
And finally, Adam took Ashley's sticker.  Rather than give it back, he tried to eat it.

He wasn't too pleased with the results.

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