Monday, June 25, 2012

First Harvest

Technically this isn't our first harvest.  It's our 4th harvest.  We didn't think that harvesting three figs -- one each day -- really counted as a "harvest".

Below is the first crop of lettuce and one pickling cucumber.  I learned a lot of things:

1.  Do not plant something you need to bend down to pick (lettuce) next to something which has thorns (gooseberries or currants).

2.  Do not pick lettuce after a rainstorm.  Even though the rain has stopped, you will still get wet.

3.  Mother Nature packs extra protein into lettuce.  In addition to the lettuce and cuke, we were also treated to one inchworm, one slug and two flying things.  I have a new appreciation for pre-washed lettuce.

This made enough salad for me and Ilya for dinner for two nights!  And this morning I picked even more.

Maybe one day Adam and Ashley will like lettuce just as much as their Mommy and Daddy.

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