Saturday, June 9, 2012

Update from the Urban Farmers

MLM and MLD have taken up a trendy form of urban gardening recently.  When building our home, we really were blissfully unaware of the growing movement among granola-crunchy-types everywhere who are adherents of "edible landscaping".  We had simply decided that since we were going to replant most of the land it only made sense to plant something "useful".  Not that we had any experience with any of this, of course.

Below are some photos of how the plants are progressing, despite our lack of knowledge about gardening in general.  So far, the only crops "lost" are the apples and pears (not pictured below).  Now that we know what winter moth looks like, we'll know what to do about it next spring.  For now the trees will grow but we won't harvest from them.

Those hoses you see in the photos?  That's our automatic watering system, configured and installed by MLM.  Of course it started to rain right after everything was hooked up and the skies have not yet let up.

Believe it or not, we haven't taken photos of everything.  MLD is pampering two small cherry trees and one peach tree.  MLM is fretting endlessly about three containers of figs. 

mountain laurel:  not edible, but new to us!
early raspberry buds -- netting on these next
cucumbers:  grown from seeds (don't ask!)
peppers:  also grown from seeds
heirloom tomatoes paired with romaine lettuce
lettuce:  from seed
tomatoes:  from Verrill Farms
asparagus:  weedy-lookin' stuff in the foreground
strawberries:  clumpy stuff in the back
closeup of strawberry bloom
garden overview
witch hazel:  our medicinal offering 
mushrooms:  added to the mix by Mother Nature; probably not edible

Thanks to Matthew Cunningham for answering all of our gardening questions with a blend of patience and wit.  Many thanks also go to Martin Lucyk and his tireless crew who planted everything you see in the ground -- edible, ornamental or otherwise.  MLM takes credit for anything in a pot.

Yes, next time we'll have photos of Ashley and Adam.  But aren't you happier knowing that the A-team might have access to some A-list produce?

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