Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Halloween

Since Adam and Ashley were too young to celebrate Halloween last year, we celebrated it twice this year.

Dressed as a family of hikers, off we went to meet some of Daddy's Biogen co-workers and to have some good old fashioned fun.  MLM is proud to say that we were the only family there without a stroller.  Since the babies were in our backpacks (see earlier hiking posts), it was very easy to maneuver through the crowds and the A-team had an eagle-eye view of the events.  What fun!

Then on Halloween, MLM dressed up the citizens in something more age appropriate and took them to the library.  After all, we know how much Ashley and Adam like books.  

As you might have noticed over the past few months, photos with both Adam and Ashley in them are increasingly hard to take unless both are seated in a high chair (which, not coincidentally, is why there are so many posts about eating).  This time MLM got a little more creative and headed off to the bathroom to take the photos.  I know, the bathroom?  But yes!  It worked!

What's a dragon?
Being a dragon is fun!
Silly Mommy.  The F stop is adjusted with this knob.  See?
Yeah!  Ana is in the bathroom with us!
We want to go back to the bathroom!

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