Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lambie and Birthday Wishes

MLM recently uncovered some cute videos that she took while Grandma Carole and Lambie were visiting.  Although the citizens have changed a bit since they were taken (see the walking post!), MLM decided to post these videos in honor of Grandma Carole's birthday -- which is today!

In this first scene, Ashley was playing catch with Lambie.  It was very cute.  Ashley would throw one ball, Lambie would retrieve it.  Grandma Carole then gave Ashley a second ball.  Ashley would again throw it, but this time Grandma Carole retrieved the first ball while Lambie fetched the second ball.  It was a complicated scheme that was working very well.... that is, until the camera turned on.  Even though Lambie stopped performing, this one is still fun to watch.

Adam tried to get in on the action, but no luck.  We give Ashley lots of credit for her persistence.  And kudos to Lambie, a dog who sits still when a camera is present.  How many dogs do that?

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