Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Final Tale from Drumlin Farm

True story:  first time we went to Drumlin Farm, Adam didn't want to go anywhere near the goat/sheep barn.  I don't really blame him.  You might call it a "stinkeroo" to be kind.  For our last visit, our teachers took us back to the barn and inside the enclosure.  Can you believe this is the same toddler?

First we fed the goats.  Note:  Adam and Ashley are in red and light blue jackets, respectively.

Adam is surrounded by goats!  And smiling!  Ashley, on the other hand, was a bit more nervous.  If you watch the video closely, you can see the citizens stand nose-to-nose with the goats.  That would intimidate me too.  So Ashley wandered around in an area safely away from the goats:

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