Sunday, December 9, 2012

Mush! Mush!

The title of today's post sounds like we're taking giant backwards steps when comes to feeding Ashley and Adam.  

Nope!  Today MLM is blogging from Tromso, Norway.  So while you, our faithful readers are fast asleep, MLD and I are braving the polar sun in search of adventure and the Aurora Borealis in Norway.  

Today's post comes to you from Camp Tamok in Tromso.  We went dog sledding!

Blogging from Norway is challenging.  The interface defaults to Norwegian Bokmal.  Not only are we absorbing local culture, MLM is now learning basic computer terms in a foreign language.  Ha.

Congratulations to our astute readers who noticed Adam and Ashley are not in these photos.  Grandma Carole and Papa Marty are giving Ana, Adam and Ashley a week's vacation in scenic NY.

1 comment:

  1. The view never changes unless you're the lead dog.
