Saturday, December 29, 2012

Norway in a Nutshell, Part #1

A clever Norwegian realized that there was more money out there to be made!  Tourists excited to see more snow and fjords would gladly pay a travel agency to book a series of tickets on sequential public transportation options between Oslo to Bergen.  On paper, it looks like you're running from one place to the next.

Not exactly.  It's more like gently herding sheep.  It's a slow, gentle pace and it's filled with beautiful scenery and time to chat with your travel partner.

Step 1:  Board the train in Oslo.

Step 2:  Transfer to another train, called the Flamsbana, in Myrdal.

The train from Myrdal travels only 20 km, but it travels through fjords and -- count 'em! -- 20 tunnels.  It's one of the steepest lines in Europe.  Maybe the world.  I'll be honest, I can't recall.

Step #3:  Upon arriving in Flam, you tour a beautiful museum (free!) which illustrates the difficulties Norwegians had to overcome to link these towns via train.

Step #4:  Still with me?  After eating at the only establishment that was open (other than the gift shop), you board a boat to travel through the narrowest fjord in all of Norway.

It's so spectacular that the area has been designated as a UNESCO Heritage Site.  And so wonderful, in our opinion, that it deserves a post of its own.  Stay tuned!

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