Thursday, December 27, 2012

Vacation Part 1: Tromso

Finally worked out the technical difficulties, so without further ado the next few posts will be about our vacation.  The A-team is thrilled to have a break from the ever-present camera.

The first stop on our tour was a very northern Norwegian city, Tromso.  You've already seen the dog sledding and snowmobiling photos.  Below are photos of Tromso taken in the early afternoon, around 3 pm. We arrived at our hotel around 2 pm -- dusk in these parts.  By the time I took out the camera, there was no daylight left.

We visited Polaria, an aquarium devoted to wildlife that thrives in these conditions.  There was a short seal show which was very entertaining.

After 3 action-packed days, it was off to Oslo!

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