Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Freedom Trail

Uncle Shimon and cousin David came to visit us this past weekend.  Bundled up in Crafty Auntie sweaters and shielded from the wind by rain covers, we set out on the Freedom Trail through downtown Boston.

The citizens were so cozy and warm that they barely woke up to eat when we stopped at Faneuil Hall.  Hopefully Uncle Shimon will send us some more photos so everyone can see how much fun we had.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Crafty Aunties

Thanks to our crafty aunties, Adam and Ashley are stepping out in very stylish sweaters.  Toasty warm, they were perfect for our walk on the Freedom Trail!  More about that in tomorrow's post.

Are you wearing the same hat as me? -- Adam
Yes!  See how it protects me from getting a sunburn on my head?  -- Ashley
I'll distract them.  You go grab the car keys. -- Adam
You think that will work? -- Ashley

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ride 'em Cowboy

Rodys are all the rage here in Boston. Unfortunately Mystic Lake Mama isn't able to balance both Adam and Ashley on the Rodys and take a photo at the same time.  Ashley was a very good sport about it and played with a new wooden memory toy.

We waited until Daddy came home to get a photo of both of them together.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Adam and Ashley shared some time on the exersaucer.  Adam worked on standing up in the toy while Ashley balanced in her Mommy's lap.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Developments

Today is full of exciting changes.  It's our first blog post without photos.  It's our first blog post with video!  And it's the first time that Adam and Ashley are sitting unsupported on their own for a decent amount of time.

Here's to more videos in the near future.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Babes in the Woods

This winter has been less than wintry, so today we headed out to participate in Babes in the Woods at the Middlesex Fells Reservation. Terry Murray, our fearless leader, led about 25 women, 1 man and a variety of babies and children through parts of both the Crystal Spring and Virginia Wood trails.  

It was just about nap time as we snapped this photo, so the citizens are a bit sleepy.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Presidents Day

To give Adam and Ashley a head start on their history lessons we headed to Portsmouth, NH.  

Wondering about the Portsmouth connection to Presidents Day?  Presidents Day was declared a holiday by Congress in 1800 to honor George Washington.  George Washington once visited Portsmouth, NH on his whistlestop tour of our new nation in 1789.  His 5 day stay was considered a lengthy amount of time.  You can read President Washington's diary entry about Portsmouth here.

history lessons are a snoozer
daddy sleeps through work; i'll sleep through lessons
Portsmouth again enjoyed a brush with Presidential fame when it served as the neutral location for international diplomats to end the Russo-Japanese War in 1905.  Despite never actually visiting Portsmouth, President Roosevelt won a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to help bring about the signing of the Treaty of Portsmouth that ended the war between Russia and Japan.  The City of Portsmouth strongly believes that their gracious hospitality helped bring about a peaceful settlement between the warring parties. You can read all about that effort here.

enough with the lessons Mom!
in honor of their diplomatic handshake, i'll chew my thumb.
Given Adam and Ashley's early exposure to Russian culture, touring Portsmouth seemed like a very good idea.

Also, Ana has never visited Portsmouth.  And the weather was very nice.

yeah!  they finally let me out of the stroller!
post-bottle smiles
Stay tuned for our next history lesson!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Visit with Cousins

Our cousins came to visit us tonight!  The house was alive with excitement.  For the first time in a long while, Adam and Ashley were so entertained by their cousins that they didn't have much time to cry during dinner.

Should we check on Maks and Wassim?
The kids are fine.  Just don't look behind us.

Then our cousins tried to teach Adam and Ashley a little bit about body parts and how to count.

Belly buttons are right here!

And here!
Eight!  This is how to count to eight!
"This is a lot to learn in one night" -- Adam  "Gumming a flower is easier" -- Ashley

Finally we corralled the whole group for a few nice photos:


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Do I See Carrots?

Adam and Ashley are enjoying tummy time much more than they once did.  Here are some shots of the latest fun.

I've got a secret.  Don't tell Mom!

Smile.  Act like nothing is wrong.
Wait young lady.  Allow me.

No, it's not edible.  Same color as today's carrots, but not mushy.
Disappointed.  Was hoping for carrots.
Do you have any food?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Doin' the 'Que

We are now the proud owners of a smoker.  Craigslist is a wonderful thing!  Today marked our first attempt at producing something edible.

It's not a missile launch pad.  It's a jacket-wrapped smoker.  High winds, you see.

High wind = more coal

Mystic Lake Mama proudly reports that dinner was deeee-lish!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Month Six

Adam and Ashley are 6 months old today!  They surprised their mommy by taking a 90 minute nap this morning.  Maybe that's why they had such big smiles to share today.

Ashley blows raspberries at us all day long.  Adam is close to sitting on his own.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Coffee Talk

After attending a Mom-n-Me yoga class this morning, we went to visit Miss Ethel.   Adam woke up before Ashley so he sat on Miss Ethel's lap.  Then Adam and Ashley played on the floor for a bit before knocking off two bottles.  We had so much fun!  We're looking forward to our next visit.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

We are the Champions!

Although Adam and Ashley were long asleep before the final exciting moments of the game, we managed to sneak in one photo op with our newest friend, Mina.  This was Mina's first social visit (she's only 5 weeks old!).  Mina took full advantage of the occasion and watched the entire game with her Mom and Dad.

"Who are you?  You're not my Daddy!" -- Mina

Mina needs a Giants bib! 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Architects in Training

Design architects like to be photographed in either a black turtleneck and/or cool glasses, both if at all possible.  Adam and Ashley are getting a head start with the black turtleneck look.  Mystic Lake Mama would be perfectly happy if they never wear cool glasses...

Adam appears much taller than Ashley because she won't sit still for long.  

Call it an early start in learning the concept of trompe-l'œil.