Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Adam's Second Haircut

It's clear that Adam does not take after either his Mommy or Daddy when it comes to the hair on his head.  It's so out of control that we went for his second haircut today.


look how much we're cutting off

not a fan of the spray bottle

What a patient guy -- trimming close to his ears

What's Ashley doing?

It's really hard to take a self-portrait.

Now we're doing the other ear.  We'll be finished soon!

Quick trim around the back, and ...

Voila!  Two handsome dudes!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Border Babies

Yesterday we ate lunch at the Border Cafe.  It was the first time Adam and Ashley joined us at the table in a restaurant.  They enjoyed sitting with the big kids.

What did you order for me Mommy?

Hey!  This is fun!

Is that our food coming?

oooooh.  Did you want us to pay the bill?  My credit card is at home.

It's your treat?  Thanks Daddy!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Spring Training

As spring takes hold in Boston, our thoughts turn to baseball.  We had a late start on our season because it's really hard to find Yankee clothes in Boston.  Had to import it straight from the source in NY.

What is it?
Ashley, lemme see it first.
I know!
It's a barbell.  Good for building muscles.
Or it's a guitar.  I'm not sure.
Hmmm.  My turn.
It's sort of cold.
It's a blue popsicle.  Yum!
Who is right?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Month Nine

Apologies to our alert readers who noticed that Adam and Ashley's nine month birthday passed without a special photo.  Long story short, the photo shoot had to wait until we were back in Boston.  Now that Adam and Ashley have determined minds of their own, posed photos are much harder than before.   Hope you enjoy the selection that we pulled.

What's this on my belly?
Oooohhh!  I'm telling!  You took off your sticker!
Nobody gets between me and my bears.  Outta my way!
Closing their eyes to make a birthday wish (wishing MLM would stop taking photos?)
Smiles for Ana (off-screen)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Brunch with Cousins

MLM has been busy lately and is a bit behind in chronicling Adam and Ashley's first year; apologies to our loyal readers.  

First we'd like to send a shout out to Uncle Shimon in Vancouver.  He's a proud grandfather to Elizabeth!  She was born to cousins Mark and Elena on May 16 at 2:30 am.  She's either an early riser or a night owl, depending on how you look at it.  We're looking forward to lots of photos!

Today we're sharing photos from a brunch we had last weekend with our NY cousins, Ava and Samantha.  Adam and Ashley munched on bagels and then had lots of fun playing with Ava, Samantha and toys.

Teething on a bagel
Destroying the bagel.
Reward for eating:  playing with Lambie.
Hugs from Samantha
Ava's a great teacher!
Big smiles with Crafty Auntie.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hugsy Malone

Thanks Uncle Scott!  You captured lots of hugs with cousin Samantha!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Adam and Ashley surprised MLM by giving her flowers and a card this morning.  How thoughtful!  We enjoyed a breakfast at home, followed by a long nap.  Then we all had lunch and headed out to Horn Pond for a scenic walk.  Once we were home, Daddy suggested we take a photo -- giving in to the demands that MLM is seen more often in the blog.

Happy Mother's Day to all of our readers!

Friday, May 11, 2012


Today Adam and Ashley are 9 months old!  We took a trip to NY earlier this week, and although MLM remembered to pack the number stickers, she forgot both the bears and the camera cable to download photos.  The official photo will be posted sometime next week.  

Instead we'll share a video of Adam and Ashley eating their first bagel -- a rite of passage in our family.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What's That?

Tummytime has not been a favorite activity in our house.  MLM decided to change things up a bit -- and try it on the wood floor.  Whoa!  What a riot!

Hey Ashley, what's that behind your ear?
Adam, I'm not falling for that one.
No really Ashley!  Take a look!
I give up. -- Ashley
Just teasing you! -- Adam

Do you see what I deal with?  -- Ashley

Friends again.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"C" is for Cookie

And that's good enough for Ashley...

Adam continues to prefer his nutrition delivered in a pureed form.