Thursday, August 30, 2012

Birthday Photos "Our Friends"

Many of our friends, both new and old, joined us to celebrate Ashley and Adam's birthday:

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Gardening Update

Much to MLM's surprise, her garden is thriving.  Every night we eat tomatoes and cucumbers.  Every night!  Eggplants and peppers are coming along.  Carrots and peas look like a promising fall crop.  Yes, I used the word "crop".

view from the street
close up of raised bed
cucumber blossom

growing cucumber

"flame" eggplant

small eggplant
orange peppers (red and yellow to come!)
strawberry leaves
Brandywine tomato
Lemon Boy tomatoes
more Brandywine tomatoes
raspberries on the way
raspberries have arrived on this plant!
shelling peas
shelling peas

Monday, August 27, 2012

Birthday Photos, "The Family"

Adam and Ashley's birthday was just a few weeks ago;  we're still thinking about how much fun we had.  There are too many photos to post all of them at once, so we'll break them up into a few posts and keep our loyal readers entertained when the A-team isn't otherwise feeling photogenic.

Today's post will focus on family, who our Massachusetts friends refer to as "those New Yorkers with wicked pissah accents!"


Say it 10 times fast:  Tsymbals, Zlotoguras, Marchfelds, Shapiros, Riordan and Perico.
This one is harder, fewer vowels and more consonants:  Tsymbals, Zontak, Billahs, Roslyakovs
part of the Noo Yawk contingent
wise advice from Babushka
Papa Marty and Samantha
Cousins and Coyote (see background!)
Cousins and Cake
cutie cousins
Adam and Ashley's Aunties
And the smaht-phone says....
Hahaha!  Cousin Brian is funny!
hugs for everyone
Dedushka Dima (did I spell that correctly?
Cousin Yelena
cousin Samantha checks out the scene
What's the excitement about, Ashley?
Stay tuned for more.