Saturday, September 29, 2012

By Popular Request

MLD looks through all of the photos with MLM.  Yesterday he came home from work and said, "What happened to the nice family photo at the apple orchard?  Why didn't you post it?"

MLM forgot.  So by popular request, here's the photo.  Enjoy!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Ana Knows Best

Today the A-team flat out refused to take a nap.  Refused!

So we gave in and took them out of the cribs to play.  Ashley curled up with Mr. Moo and fell asleep for about 20 minutes.

Seems like Ana knows best!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Apple Picking

Last weekend we went to Nashoba Valley Winery and Orchard to pick apples with our friends.  Adam and Ashley had a blast.  Our furry friend Kona provided the morning's first excitement.  Then the delight of picking -- and eating apples -- made it a perfect morning.

the citizens are skeptical
Ready to head out into the orchard
Daddy, what's growing on that tree?
"Yuck.  These apples don't look edible"  MLM
following written directions for apple picking

Silly Daddy.  Apple picking is easy.  Watch.

Mommy, my arms aren't long enough to reach.
Finally!  I get to eat!
Apples are tasty.
This is better than a toy.

And if these photos weren't enough for you, here's a piece of the live action.

Why did Daddy shout?  Why did the filming stop?  Adam picked a rotten apple and was about it eat it.  So we tried again:

Ashley is almost successful.  So we tried again.

Seems like the A-team figured this out, so we decided to let them try another skill:  dropping apples in the bag:

With a little more practice, we'll be poised to pick perfect produce next season.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"Pushy" Sister

Sometimes sisters can be pushy.  In this case, it's a good (funny!) thing.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Laps Around the Living Room

Today the citizens turned our living room into a racetrack.  Good thing Ana can keep up with them!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Family Hike at the Fells

We set off one sunny afternoon for a hike in the Middlesex Fells Reservation, known locally as "The Fells".

The citizens enjoyed their hike in nature;  MLM and MLD enjoyed the exercise.  We hope you, our loyal readers, enjoy the photos.

Friday, September 21, 2012


A few weeks ago we went to a park with Daddy and got to ride on the swings.  Fun!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cousins and Cookies

During our visit to NY, Adam and Ashley had dinner with their cousins, Ava and Samantha, and their first taste of chocolate covered cookies.  All in all it was a fun evening! 

First photos below are of dinner.  Adam and Ashley had a really good appetite.

Ava moved too quickly for us to catch a good photo of her.   Once Aunt Melanie arrived we were able to start dessert.  Yum!

Wow!  So that's chocolate!
This is good enough to eat without help.

Cookies are a family affair.

And finally, a live shot of the action:

Ashley's First Haircut

Ashley had her first haircut in NY.  

We would like to report that this event went as smoothly as any one of Adam's four haircuts, but unfortunately this was not the case.  No videos;  photos tell you all you need to know.  Hopefully her next haircut will be a little easier.  If not, we'll see how MLM's scissor skills stack up to the stylists.

The "Before" 'Do
Who is this lady?

No more tears -- what a pretty girl!

Monday, September 17, 2012

We Love You Frannie!

Adam and Ashley miss their cousin Frannie.  They asked me and Ana for crayons so they could draw a picture just for her.  Look at what they created!

Ashley wanted to show Frannie their drawing all by herself.  Adam, however, was far more interested in showing us his bellybutton.  Good sense of humor on him, eh?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Magic Beans

Behold the magic of beans.

This little baby had beans....
And this little baby had none.

Thursday, September 6, 2012