Monday, June 22, 2015

Norwegian Cruise

About 1 week ago, our family set sail for the Caribbean aboard the Norwegian gem.  It's going to take a few days to get all of the photos organized, so until then, we hope you'll enjoy these three clips from our days at sea.  The kids loved the water slide!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

National Geographic

Best part of living near the lake is seeing the cycle of life.  Not too long ago I captured the fish, well, making more fish.  It's a little hard to see them, but you can definitely see how they're swimming in circles:

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Border Ballet

We had lunch at the Border Cafe recently.  As we were waiting for Daddy and Adam to finish up inside, Ashley and I waited outside.  There's music on the outdoor patio, so Ashley turned it into an impromptu show:

And then Adam joined in the fun.

The best part wasn't caught on camera.  Adam was heading to the car and Ashley clearly wasn't done dancing yet.  So we agreed she could finish out the song.  As soon as the song ended, she held up two fingers:  "Mommy, just two more songs please."  How can a mom say no?

Friday, June 19, 2015

Adam the Reader

Adam woke up on a Saturday morning determined to read a story to Daddy.  He chose his favorite book to share:

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Monday, June 15, 2015

Trip to Israel - Part 3

Two weeks of excitement continues today:

Class photo in Jerusalem
Fishing in the ocean
Visiting the Haifa Zoo
Off to a construction site
Photos with friends
Unearthing archaeological treasures

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Trip to Israel - Part 2

There was so much to see and do!

Riding a camel

Bedouin experience
Bedouiin at the clothesline
Bedouin at the oasis
Navigating traffic in Jerusalem
Beep!  Beep!
Science experiments at the Technion
Technion students
Got it!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Trip to Israel - Part 1

The highlight of the preschool year is the annual trip to Israel.  Before you start thinking we send our kids to some sort of jet set school, just hold your horses.  Shelley, Kate, Lucie and crew bring the magic of Israel to Lexington for two exciting weeks each year:
Getting suitcases from Shelley
Decorating the suitcases
This is my passport!
Stowing his luggage underneath the chair
Pilots outlining the flight path
Plane banks to the side

Friday, June 12, 2015


Adam and Ashley went to the beach compliments of their preschool:

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Ballerina and Music

In this very moving clip, I learned two things:

1.  Ashley is ready to take a dance class.
2.  Adam doesn't mind the dancing, but he cannot abide music without lyrics.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Adam and Brownie

Every now and then Adam will spontaneously ham it up for the camera.

Truth is he wanted me to take a photo, but he couldn't sit still long enough for the phone's camera to take a decent shot.  Enter in a video clip!

Goodness -- how did parents handle this problem before digital photos and videos?  Right -- they didn't take as many.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


What's a mother to do when it's pouring outside?  Visit the library of course! 

When I was a kid, our library didn't have exotic toys, like stuffed animal puppets.  No wonder the kids love visiting this particular branch.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Sharing Dim Sum

It warms a mother's heart to see her children sharing food.  Earlier in the day, Ashley asked if we could have "Sim Dum" for lunch.  I knew exactly what she meant!

In this clip, Adam liked the outside of the bao (bread) and Ashley liked the inside, so she cleverly figured out a way to keep both of them happy.  Ashley's use of the chopsticks vaguely reminded me of watching chimpanzees dipping for termites.  I have got to teach these kids how to use chopsticks.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Christopher Columbus Waterfront Park

As part of our foray to "Boston City", we had a picnic in a shaded section of the Christopher Columbus Waterfront Park.  The kids asked me to take a photo of them, which as you might imagine, takes a lot more effort when using the simple camera on my phone.

There's a still shot somewhere in my phone... I'll find it for another post.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Boston City

This past weekend Adam woke up repeatedly requesting to visit "Boston City".  That's where the big buildings are and he wanted to go inside some of them.  Sadly, most of the big buildings are closed on the weekends (because they're offices), but the kids found a ramp.  Problem solved!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Memorial Day celebrations

There's nothing better than buying ices from the ice cream man on a hot Memorial Day weekend:

And thanks to Google Auto-Awesome for giving us another memory of this day:

Some of the still photos I tried to take: