Thursday, July 14, 2016

Nine Months

Today Tate is 9 months old!

He loves eating fruit, cheese and whatever is on Mommy's plate.  He jumps around when you're holding him.  Tate also likes to check things out by either tapping them or smacking them on a hard surface.

Here's to one cute baby!

I dunno Tate Bear, what is the square root of 16?
Smiles for everyone
Coming soon to the blog: a video of Tate's birthday words of wisdom.

Mr. Clean

In preparation for our return, Grandma and Papa gave Tate a nice bath. May we present to you:  Mr Clean!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Strasburg Railroad

If you're ever near Strasburg Railroad and the PA Railroad Museum, I strongly suggest a visit. Kids loved the train;  we all thought the museum was fascinating.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


There's a new name for Grandma and Papa's home: Happyland!

Mango!  I'll happily hold this thing for mango!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Factory and Buggy

It's always a challenge when it rains during a vacation.  What do you do with little kids when there isn't a children's museum to be found?  Well, take 'em to a food factory!  We visited Julius Sturgis pretzels and learned how to roll our own.

And then it was off to ride in an Amish buggy:

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Dutch Wonderland: Part 2

We couldn't believe how much fun the kids had at Dutch Wonderland.  And we only explored half of the park.  When Tate is a little older, we'll visit again and try out the water rides.  Until then, here are some clips of the kids enjoying the rides:

Unfortunately, the priceless comment of the day wasn't captured on video.  As Adam was driving, I asked him to turn and smile at me for a photo.  "Mommy,"  he said, "I can't.  I have to keep my eyes on the road."  Well that's one teen driver I might not have to worry about!

And now, here's a clip of me and Ashley flying high:

Friday, July 8, 2016

Returning the Favor

While Ashley and Adam were loop-de-loo'ing at Dutch Wonderland, Tate was trying to return a favor.  He was trying to feed Papa:

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Dutch Wonderland: Part 1

When I was a wee lass, my parents took our family to Dutch Wonderland.  Perhaps not as well-known as the other theme park we visited in Lancaster county, PA, Dutch Wonderland is specifically designed for children under the age of 12.

What does this mean?  Adam was in heaven!  So many rides, so little time.  And for Ashley, the relatively empty park meant she could ride the Kingdom Coaster as many times in a row as she wanted to without having to disembark and get back in line.  It was a fun day for all!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Today there was excitment at Grandma and Papa's home.  Use of a toy that the American Academy of Pediatrics strongly cautions against using!  What could it be?  

A plastic bag?  No.

A hooded sweatshirt with a drawstring?  No.

It was a walker.  Before the exersaucer was invented, my generation was plopped in to walkers and left to toddle around.  Brave bunch, we were.  Here Grandma and Papa have ensured safety by going out into the driveway where there are no drop-offs.

I wonder.  Was Tate wearing sunscreen?

And kudos to Grandma and Papa for figuring out not only how to take a video, but how to share it with MLM.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Hershey: Part 3

Yes, this is the third post from our one-day visit to Hershey Park.  The kids had such a good time that we kept snapping photos.  Today is our last Hershey post, and it's the sweetest one yet.  Here are A+A visiting the characters.

Monday, July 4, 2016

It Takes a Village

Back at Grandma and Papa's house, it took a village to take care of Tate.  Here we see his cousins helping with dinner.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Hershey: Part 2

There are far too many photos, moments and videos to share from this wonderful day... but we sure will try!

Adam's favorite activity:  driving a car on his own.

 Second favorite?  Any ride with Daddy:

Ashley showed a clear preference for anything fast, loud, and that would lift her off of her seat.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Hershey: Part 1

What a sweet place it is!  Hershey had a lot to offer our family.  First up was the indoor water park at the hotel.  This was a hit with the citizens.

We all cleaned up quickly and had a beautiful dinner at the hotel.  Guess what they hand out for dessert?  Hershey kisses!

Friday, July 1, 2016

Pioneer Tunnel and Strites Farm

After Crayola we headed west like true Pioneers.  First stop:  Pioneer Tunnel.  We traveled on coal cars 1,800' into an old coal mine.  Then we took a scaled locomotive out along the tracks for a ride.  It was lots of fun!  But loud.  Very loud.

Then it was on to Strides' Farm to pick strawberries.  As Drumlin graduates, these two were fantastic in the fields!

Later that night we had th strawberries for dessert.  Yum!