Thursday, September 29, 2016

Challah Me, Please

Tate whooped and carried on until we handed him his own large piece of challah. Here's what he did with it.  And for you alert readers out there, check out the new skill he's picked up (end of the clip).

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Mommy's Helper

Mommy has a new helper!  Big sister Ashley has become an expert at getting Tate to finish his bottles.  And don't miss the video clip at the bottom of this post!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Little Koala

Tate likes to do everything we do.  Sometimes he's content to hang on an watch.  Check out our little koala:

Monday, September 26, 2016

Tate's Tub

Tate loves a nice warm bath just before lunch.  He's all dreamy while he eats and then takes a nice long nap.  Here he is sporting a wild 'do:

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Capers at Contoocook

On the way home from our vacation, we stopped to give Tate his bottle.  As fate would have it, we were able to explore part of the Contoocook River and the oldest covered rail bridge in the United States.  A hit on many fronts!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Two in the Tank

Two in the tank on a Sunday aftenoon.  What a fun way to pass the day!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Three Little Monkeys

Three little monkeys sitting in a chair...  The baby is cute with lots of hair!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Scoop Shop

Time for hi-jinx with Daddy at the local scoop shop.  Where was Adam?  Too busy enjoying his ice cream ;)

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

At the Fair

One night we went to the local fair.  First the kids were in a parade with their camp group:

Then there were lots of games and even facepainting!  It was lots of fun.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Mountain Biking

When dodging on-coming vehicles as part of your commute isn't exciting enough, give mountain biking a try.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Rest Stop

Back when I was a kid, rest stops were not a fun experience.  You did what you needed to do and then ran back to the car.  New Hampshire's Tourism board takes an entirely different approach.  Not only was there a huge 4x4 ATV to climb on, there was a waterfall and a streetscape.  All inside!

Tate:  I am overwhelmed by this place.
Even the ceiling is freaky!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Cold Hollow Cider Mill

We stopped at the Cold Hollow Cider Mill in VT for lunch and... cider donuts!  There was a great spot for a photo op:

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Friday, September 16, 2016

Movin' Along

This clip was captured a little while ago.  Tate has picked up speed since.  Watch out world!  Here he comes!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Smuggs Family

For one week we were a Smuggs Family.  Tucked away in Cambridge, VT, Smugglers Notch offers an exciting day camp for kids and activities galore for parents.  Each night the kids came home wiped out and ready for a good night's sleep.  Here's a family photo -- thanks to Karly for snapping the shot!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Eleven Months

Tate is eleven months old today!  Thanks to the combined efforts of Daddy, Karly and Amanda, this photo is brought to you on time and with a smile.

New developments this month:  Tate's crawling speed has increased.  He clearly understands the concept of "up", asking to be lifted higher and higher each time.  Favorite past-time?  Standing in front of the activity bench, throwing balls over the side and watching brother/sister/caregiver retrieve them.

Mommy let me have cake this month.  It was great!
I think your eas are getting fuzzier.  Is that even possible?
I'm done with the photo shoot.  What's next?

Friday, September 9, 2016


After weeks of hype, the big day finally arrived!  The A-Team entered kindergarten! Sporting new packs and big smiles, the kids happily walked to school.  I'm proud to report it was a tear-free morning for all.  Yahoo!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Ten Months

A few weeks ago Tate turned 10 months old!  He's crawling, has three teeth (with two more clearly in progress), and vastly prefers beans and cucumbers to most other foods.  He understands a few words:  up, mama, and "boo" when playing peek-a-boo.  For a while he was signing the word "more", but has since learned that a loud screech makes food appear on his plate faster than if he signs for it.  This is an exciting development we're hoping he grows out of.  Quickly.  ;)