Tuesday, February 27, 2018

See Me, Feel Me

Tate likes to suck on two fingers while touching something soft.  Could be Daddy's jacket:

Or Daddy's fur hat:

All I can say is that I can sympathize.  I was a one-finger sucker who preferred holding on to ears instead of fabrics.  All I can hope is for Tate to quit before he needs braces.

Today's blog post title courtesy of The Who (for our alert readers out there!).

Monday, February 26, 2018

Crack the Eggs

When the kids are little, I try to engage them in the kitchen.  That's what all of the experts say to do.  But all of the kid-friendly recipes ask the adult to crack the eggs.  This didn't fly with our little guy:

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Note to the Grinch

Storytelling is a large part of first grade in our town.  In this series, Ashley was asked to write to the Grinch.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Friday, February 23, 2018

Caveman Style

Tate likes his chicken "caveman style".  I don't complain as long as he eats it!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Tractor vs The Rowing Bike

Adam's drawing skills have exploded over the past year.  For a kid who showed zero interest in drawing just a year ago, it's amazing to see these skills develop.  In today's sketch the tractor is squaring off against the rowing bike.  Since a tractor is fairly slow, it would be interesting to guess who would win the race!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Your Eggs are My Eggs

Similar to the soup post, whatever is on your plate is more appealing than what's on Tate's plate (even though it's almost always the same thing).  Today, Tate is sharing Laura's scrambled eggs.  Ashley is an innocent bystander.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Soup's On!

A warm bowl of soup is good for the soul.  For Daddies and sons too:

Monday, February 19, 2018

Fitness Program

How does Daddy stay in shape?  He uses the bounce house method:

And the kids love to play in there too, especially Tate:

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Disney on Ice

I wondered how mermaids and princesses alike handle the ice in Boston.  The answer?  With aplomb!

Here's a photo of our princess during the intermission:

The prince was too busy slurping his snow cone to pose for a photo.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Rabbit Ears

Where do kids learn these things?  It's otherwise a perfectly wonderful photo.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

What's This on My Head?

When I look at photos of me dressed in a striped orange top with brown pants circa late 1970's, I cringe.  Stylish at the time, but funny to look at now.

Will Tate have a similar reaction to this photo?  The hat is stylish in... um,... cold places.  He's got a cute enough smile to pull it off!