Friday, May 25, 2018

Obstacle Course

When the going gets tough, the tough set up an obstacle course to make it even tougher.  Watch:

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Hiking with Cousins

Met up with cousins to explore Arlington's Great Meadow together.  Then we went out for lunch.  How wonderful to have cousins in Boston!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Eclair Face Off

Picture it:  April 2018.  Kitchen table.  Tate vs the eclair.

You know who won.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Big Boy Bed

Oh boy!  Oh boy! Tate has a big boy bed!  Photos are blurry because he was jumping up and down ;)

Monday, May 21, 2018

Nashua River Rail Trail

Here we are in Ayer at the start of the Nashua River Rail trail.  What fun!  We took a long walk / bike ride.  Very proud to announce that we carried in and carried out.  Whoohoo!

Adam's favorite part of the ride?  Spotting an old car through the trees.  After some research with Googletta (aka Grandma), we determined it to be a 1956-ish Ford Mainline.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

TK&A Reunion

MLM held a small Tsoi/Kobus & Associates reunion about a month ago.  What fun we had!  It was great to catch up with everyone... and I hope we'll do it again soon.

Friday, May 18, 2018

2018 Daddy Daughter Dance

You know it's almost spring when Daddy invites Ashley to the Daddy Daughter Dance.  Here are some photos of Ashley hamming it up for the camera, posing with her brothers, accepting her corsage, and then playing with her friends.  Enjoy!

Ah, no fair!  How come Ashley gets to go and not me?
Uh, who's that coming down the stairs?  She's sorta familiar, but not...

Haha!  I don't have to get dressed up!  I can wear anything I want to tonight!

What's that?  Do I get one?  Can I eat that?  Looks very sugary!
Boys have retreated to the couch for movie night.
Ashley and pals
I got it good!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Haircut and Date

I promised Tate that if he got a haircut, he would get a lollipop and get to go on a date with Mommy.  He willingly obliged.  Here we are post-cut:

And here we are enjoying Chinese food for lunch.  The eggrolls were a hit!

Monday, May 14, 2018

Turtleback Zoo Redux

Baba and Dyede took A+A to the Turtleback Zoo years ago, but Tate was too young to go.  This time around he was a full fledged participant.

First we went on the trolley:

And then we met the bear:

Next we went on the carousel:

And then we attempted to feed the goats.  I'll note for the record that Sammy was a pro at this activity!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Passover Part 2

The best part of Passover is seeing our family.  The matzah isn't too exciting, truth be told.  But finding the matzah?  Lots of fun because the payoff can be great.  This is also a good opportunity to see Papa's sense of humor and how well MLD plays along...

Aunt M was a particularly good sport about it too:

We tried to get Tate in on the action, but he wasn't really the right size to participate fully:

But to make up for it, he snuggled with his other Aunt M:

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Passover Part 1

Passover came (and went) fairly quickly this year.  Here's the Daily Dalwin for Tate's Passover activities:

Making "charoset"

Playing with camels in the desert

Crossing the Red Sea

Friday, May 11, 2018

Mudroom Mischief

Couldn't figure out what Tate was up to, but it was entertaining:

Thursday, May 10, 2018

St Patrick's Day

The wonderful thing about delayed posts is that we get to relive the past with fresh eyes.  Irish eyes were a'smiling on our family, especially when the care package from NY arrived in the mail with a seasonal favorite:

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

That's Not My Name!

Every now and then we like to throw the kids off-guard.  They'll say something like "I'm thirsty." 

So I'll say "Hello Thirsty.  I'm Mommy.  Nice to meet you."

Inevitably the kid will scream: "That's not my name!"

Funny thing is that phrase is the name of a pop song, That's Not My Name by the Ting Tings.  While the meaning of the song is a bit beyond our crew, it's a catchy tune.

We played this joke the other day and Laura didn't know the song.  So we played it for her.  Watch what happens with Adam:

Monday, May 7, 2018

Bouncing off the Walls

Sometimes there's no where to go and not much to do.  That's when we start bouncing off the walls, floors and everything in between:

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Wegmans Cart Cuddle

No trip to Wegmans is complete without the "Wegmans Cart Cuddle"

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Snowy Fells Hike

And once again, we were off to the Fells for some wintry fun.  MLM likes nothing better than a hike in the snow w/ her brood.  The morning was off to a great start.  Adam packed the snacks on his own!

And then we were off!  A+A bravely led the way:

And we tried to take a family "selfie", but it was tough:

So there was some directing involved:

And we managed to capture this:

And this:

Then we headed home for hot cocoa and cookies!

Friday, May 4, 2018


Tate has a stuffed animal that he calls "Puppy".  Here we are taking a road trip together:

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Snowed. Again!

And then it snowed.  Again!  I was so happy!  The rest of Boston was threatening to move south of the Mason-Dixon line... but I enjoyed it.  So did Laura and Tate: