Sunday, September 30, 2018

Carlson Part 2

We devoured the peaches, so back we went to Carlson.  The weather has turned a bit cooler, so this time we were treated to apples and peaches!  Can you tell these photos were taken in the peach orchards?

Saturday, September 29, 2018

First Day of School

Aha!  At least I got around to posting this one in September.  It might not be the first day, but it is the first month and that must count for something.

All of the kids had their first day on the same day which made for a fun morning... Everyone was all smiles and excited for their return to school.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Then and Now

I love it when Google treats me to a good "then and now".  This time Google shared four of them!

2012 - 2018

2017 - 2018

2017 - 2018

2017 - 2018

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Gals Gathering

Ashley and I were invited to an all gals gathering.  We dressed up in our finest and had a blast:

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Carlson Orchards Part 1

And every year, toward the end of August, I start dreaming of fall.  Cooler weather, brilliant colors, and a trip to Carlson Orchards.

This latest venture didn't disappoint!  The apples were just coming into season and the peaches were at their prime:

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Landward Ho!

First thing we did after docking back home was to visit Baba and Dede at their home.  What a special treat!

Monday, September 24, 2018

Oh Ship! It's a Family Trip!

Just a few days after the fun-filled birthday celebration, we met up with our extended family on a cruise.  Left from the NY harbor and made it all the way to sunny Bermuda.  Here are some of the highlights:

Swimming on the top deck

Oh Ship!  We're all smiling at the same time!

On the way to the beach.

Two happy swimmers.

One early morning before breakfast

Math fundamentals from Grandma

At least one of my children uses a fork and knife!
Adam's first shot at driving -- on Deck 15 of all places.

Ava was brave enough to take on first-time driver Ashley

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Birthday (very belated)

I took some time off to enjoy summer and the start of fall.  So much was happening that it was hard to enjoy and blog at the same time.  Decided to enjoy and postpone the blogging.  Let's see what I can do over the next few days to get everyone all caught up.

First and foremost, the A-Team celebrated their birthday! 

For breakfast we had fun waffles:

And each one received a fantastic card from Laura:

Then we watched Charlie Brown shorts with our friends, ate pizza, ice cream, popcorn and cake just for good measure.  It was so much fun!

But that wasn't all!  Later that night we celebrated with Baba and Dede:

It was one fun-filled, sugar-packed, love and laughter kinda day.

How will we top that next year???