Monday, December 27, 2021

Homeschooling Lesson #47: Fostering Independence

 If there is a positive side to the pandemic, it's that we've had the chance to slow down and let our kids do some things on their own around the house.

For example, Tate learned how to cook eggs for breakfast:

Both Tate and Ashley learned how to work together to accomplish a basic household task:

And all three kids learned that MLM has a good sense of humor on April Fool's Day:

The only one who still needs to brush up on some of his skills is Daddy.  He thought he set the camera timer.  This is what happened instead:

Marching Right Along

 Kicking off the month of March, we'll start at Tate's pre-school:

Driller at work, part 1

Honing their skills, part 2

the team's tremendously tall tower (it was "T" week!)

class on their hill

art fun

rainbow mural for "R" week

weekly helper with Shelley

The kids received some fun gifts from their grandparents:

We baked our tallest Dutch pancake to date:

See the steam rising out of it?

And experimented with both fun hair dos and expressive expressions:

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Catching Up (Again)

 It's a cold gray day, perfect for sitting in front of ye olde computer and catching up with photos, videos, and the blog.  There's an entire year of memories to post, so let's get crackin'.

First up, February!

Silly costume wearing around the house

Good snowy day at school

Georgia O'Keefe art lessons

Dessert night!

Ninja on the loose - watch out!