Adam and Ashley are 11 months old! Today was bittersweet. It was the last time we attended the JF&CS Mothers of Twins, Triplets and More Group facilitated by Miss Terry. Now that the citizens are crawling and interested in poking the other babies' eyes out more than they are interested in their toys, it was time to say goodbye. Thanks to Miss Terry and the other mommies in the group (both graduates and current attendees), we learned more about twins, families, and life than we ever would have imagined. We'll miss everyone!
Photos below are from this morning's photo shoot. MLM sends a big thank you to Ana. Without her help, the citizens certainly would have crawled off of the couch in two different directions at once while MLM tried to take photos.
Look at me. I'm going to hold two bears at once. |
Uh-uh! Ashley Bear is coming with me. |
Mommy tried to take a photo of us like we're 1 month old. Hahahaha! |
Kisses for Adam Bear. |
OK Ashley. I'm going to get the bears lined up for the photo. |
Adam, don't look now, but I see another bear coming. |
Let's skeedaddle! We're finished with photos. |
Not so fast, citizens. Still haven't seen one of the two of you smiling at the camera at the same time!
Well Mommy, according to my notes, we're supposed to be done by now. |
"I'm starting to see spots." -- Ashley "That's why I don't look at the camera." -- Adam |
Finally! A photo to be proud of. |