Thursday, July 26, 2012

Adam's Third Haircut

Yes, he's only 11 months old, but Adam needs a haircut every 6 weeks (or less!).  Ashley had some entertaining commentary this time around.

the 'do
Why do they always use a spray?  Yuck!
Mom, have you seen how bald the barber is?  Is that going to happen to Adam?
Hey -- where's your hair?  Are you going to do that to me?
Adam, don't worry.  I'll watch him.
How much are you taking off the top?

Oh no!  I can't watch!  Mom moved the stroller!
Help!  Help!
It's OK Adam.  You still look good.
I'm doubtful.  And look at the expression on Daddy's face.
I like it!  Thanks!

And for those who want even more from the afternoon, here's a video of the event:

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