Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lambie and Birthday Wishes

MLM recently uncovered some cute videos that she took while Grandma Carole and Lambie were visiting.  Although the citizens have changed a bit since they were taken (see the walking post!), MLM decided to post these videos in honor of Grandma Carole's birthday -- which is today!

In this first scene, Ashley was playing catch with Lambie.  It was very cute.  Ashley would throw one ball, Lambie would retrieve it.  Grandma Carole then gave Ashley a second ball.  Ashley would again throw it, but this time Grandma Carole retrieved the first ball while Lambie fetched the second ball.  It was a complicated scheme that was working very well.... that is, until the camera turned on.  Even though Lambie stopped performing, this one is still fun to watch.

Adam tried to get in on the action, but no luck.  We give Ashley lots of credit for her persistence.  And kudos to Lambie, a dog who sits still when a camera is present.  How many dogs do that?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Citizens Walk

Adam took his first real steps when MLM wasn't home on October 24, but who is keeping track of these things, right?   ;)  

Ana, Baba and Dede saw it happen.  They kept it a secret until Adam was ready to walk again on his own the following day.  Unfortunately, MLM didn't have a camera handy, so recording this exciting event had to wait a bit longer.  Adam practices a little bit each day. 

Last night Ashley took her first solo trip!  This time MLM was ready.  With Daddy manning the technology and Adam entertained with a box of books, Ashley walked from Ana to MLM, back and forth, laughing and steadily clutching her taggie.  What a joy to watch!

Something tells us this twin thing is going to get exponentially harder -- and soon!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Mini-Kringelgeback mit Vanillegeschmack

That's a mouthful, but that's what is written on the package that Baba and Dede brought to Boston from Brooklyn.  Russians call them "sushki".  MLM calls them small cookies that the citizens love.

I cleaned my plate.  I can have a cookie for dessert!
Where's Mommy?  I don't want her to steal my cookie.
It's round.  That's a sign of a good cookie.
Yup!  Assumption confirmed!
First bite is always the best.
Keeping his fingers crossed that there are more cookies after this one.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Homeschool, Lesson #3

The start of fall signals the start of school.  With the change of seasons, MLM has once again started her homeschooling efforts.  Adam and Ashley had lots of fun this time because MLD joined us.  We took a family hike on the Crystal Springs Trail at the Middlesex Fells Reservation.
Lesson #1, Optimism:  Ready to start hiking the trail.
Lesson #2, Cartography:  How tall can this mountain really be?
Lesson #3, Structures:  Trekking poles are useful.
Lesson #4, Enthalpy:  MLM gets overheated easily and wears short sleeves in 50 degree weather.
Lesson #5, Idioms:  A rolling stone gathers no moss.  This stone has not rolled in a long time.
Conclusion:   ooooohhh Mommy.  Are you going to give us a test?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Spoonfuls of Yogurt

MLM decided it's time that the citizens try to eat yogurt on their own.  Results are posted below:
I'm tired.  But this yogurt is good stuff.
Ooooooooh!  I looooooove yooooooooogurt!
Haha.  Funny joke, eh?
Makes my hands sticky.
Let me add more to the spoon.
Mommy, do you want some?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Explorations in Seltzer

Adam insisted on drinking from Daddy's cup.  Ashley is a bit wiser, preferring Puffs (a toddler treat) to the drink.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Seasonal Interest

How can you tell the seasons are changing?  Well, the pumpkins in the previous posts might have given it away.  

We visited a pumpkin patch this past weekend to let the citizens have a go at choosing their favorite ones for the doorstep of our home.  Mixed luck -- Ashley was into the pumpkin search, Adam would have preferred to stay at home and read a book. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Stand Up!

MLM came home from work yesterday and noticed that Adam was spending more time on his hands and feet more than his hands and knees.  So I said, "Adam, can you stand up?"  And he did!  Adam practiced for a few minutes before we rolled the cameras.  Ashley tried her balance skills toward the end of the video.  I don't think she's quite ready to stand up just yet.  After we stopped filming, Adam stood up once more, and took a step.  And I'm not making this up because I'm a proud Mommy.  Ana saw it too.  Simply amazing.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cookies from Papa Marty

Papa Marty has started bringing cookies to Boston when he visits the citizens.  Trust me -- this is a good thing!

Oooooh.... cookie!
Look how nicely it crumbles.
I'm going to take small bites and make it last.  Mommy never gives us this stuff.
Thank you, Papa Marty
Wow.  This whole cookie is for me?
Ashley wisely takes a big bite before Mommy can steal it.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall Colors

It's officially autumn in New England.  We took the kids to see some pumpkins a week ago but there weren't too many at the apple orchard.  Stay tuned for our photos later this week -- we made a special trip to a pumpkin patch!  Until then, we hope you enjoy some seasonal colors.

Ashley, the mountaineer
who's watching the babies?
What is this?
Get me away from these!
I like the view from here -- Ashley;     Cool shoes! -- Adam

Adam boldly goes where no Tsymbal baby has gone before
It's safer in Daddy's arms  ;)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Out to Lunch

Went on a family outing a few days ago and it involved a stop at the Flatbread Company in Burlington, MA (think fancy pizza).  Ashley and Adam really weren't interested in the pizza, but they were interested in their toys.