Friday, October 26, 2012

Homeschool, Lesson #3

The start of fall signals the start of school.  With the change of seasons, MLM has once again started her homeschooling efforts.  Adam and Ashley had lots of fun this time because MLD joined us.  We took a family hike on the Crystal Springs Trail at the Middlesex Fells Reservation.
Lesson #1, Optimism:  Ready to start hiking the trail.
Lesson #2, Cartography:  How tall can this mountain really be?
Lesson #3, Structures:  Trekking poles are useful.
Lesson #4, Enthalpy:  MLM gets overheated easily and wears short sleeves in 50 degree weather.
Lesson #5, Idioms:  A rolling stone gathers no moss.  This stone has not rolled in a long time.
Conclusion:   ooooohhh Mommy.  Are you going to give us a test?

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