Monday, July 29, 2013



That's what Adam has been saying every time we see a bicycle.  The kid needed a bike. So that's what they got:

Ashley tried first:

She'll need more time to learn.  Or perhaps she's not a cyclist?  Too soon to tell.

Adam, on the other hand, could not be pried off of his new bicycle.  

When we took our daily stroll to the vegetable garden, the new bike came along:

And since there are no pedals or brakes, Adam kept on rollin':

The only way to get him to go inside for dinner was to take the bicycle with us:

Too bad I don't have any video of him with his bike after dinner.  He tried, quite valiantly I might add, to lift the bicycle on to the couch so he could ride on there.  Perhaps there are off-road adventures in our future?  

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