Monday, September 30, 2013

Driver's Ed

Thursday was a rough day for MLM:

Good news is that it was nothing serious.  The car thought I was a thief and locked down the ignition sequence.  I'll have to be more careful around the car in the future.

Undeterred, the A-Team tried to go for a drive on their own recently:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Apple Picking

Every year thousands of Massachusetts residents flock to apple orchards to PYO:  pick your own apples.  How do I know this?  Because about 1,000 of them went to Honey Pot Hill Orchards like we did last Saturday.  Unfazed by the crowds, the kids had a ball!

They showed great improvement over last year's harvesting skills:

Appetites are still strong:

And they are starting to develop a healthy awareness of authority figures:

Hi Henry.  Whatcha doin'? -- Ashley

I found this.  I think it's a tracking device.  Do you think it's the NSA or your parents? -- Henry
Figures.  That sounds like my mom. -- Ashley
Are there any more under here? -- Henry
There's that camera again.  Ashley, doesn't it freak you out? -- Henry
I try to ignore her.  My mom is so embarassing! -- Ashley
Stay tuned.  We'll see where MLM's camera pops up next!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Playing Around

Tough decision on the home front today:  play with Mr Potato Head or take a nap?  

Watch closely and you'll see it -- the citizens play together for a very short moment!  Very exciting to see this new development.

Friday, September 20, 2013


At MLM's high school there were 4 ways to cheer for the football and basketball teams.  I've listed them below in the order in which the options appealed to the general public at my high school:

1.  Be a student and cheer at the game.  Easiest.  Cheapest.  
2.  Be a cheerleader.  Supposed to be the coolest, but they didn't do any stunts and clapped a whole lot.
3.  Be on the twirling squad.  They once lit their batons on fire.  Cool because we knew how much Aqua Net was in their hair and although no one wanted to admit it, we were all wondering what would happen if someone missed their throw.
4.  Wave a flag like you just don't care -- color guard.  Yes, MLM knows how to do the Big Apple but that's another story for another time.

Looks like Ashley chose option #3.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Doggie In The Window

When MLM attended preschool we sang a song called "How Much Is that Doggie In the Window?"  Seems like Adam will want to learn how to sing this song very soon:

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Our trip to NY also included a nice meal with our cousins:

Mommy never gives us cookies with frosting at home.  Oh.  Boy.
Does anyone have a fork?  I might get frosting on my fingers!
Frosting.  Hmm.  Is there an app for that?
Lemme check.
App or no app, I've got to figure out how to ask Mommy for more frosting.
Why doesn't anyone want the pieces without the frosting?
More frosting please!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Rockland Lake

When we visited NY last weekend we visited Rockland Lake.  Purpose:  MLM wanted to go for a good long walk AND get the citizens to take a nap.  

Mission:  Accomplished

 Mission:  Not exactly accomplished, but she did enjoy her snack!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hot Day

It was hot, but we went for a walk anyway.  MLM marched the kiddos from our home all the way down to Lexington Center (and that's a 5.0 mile walk, for those of you counting).

To celebrate our achievement, the kiddos ate some ice cream.

Luckily for MLM, MLD met us in Lexington Center.  I don't think the kids wanted to ride back in the stroller.  For the record, I wanted to try walking back but was convinced it might not be a good idea.