Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Arlington Center

Found another set of clips on Daddy's smaht-phone today.  Although to be honest, if the phone was so wicked smaht, it would remind me to upload them to the blog.  That's probably a feature undergoing beta testing as I type.  


Monday, November 18, 2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Post-Halloween wrap up

Every now and then I find photos on our phones that I forgot to download.  So today we get to relive the excitement of Halloween once again.  I know.  First Thanksgivukkah is early on our blog and now Halloween is too late.  That's life with toddler twins!

Why the A-team wanted to play in the flowers instead of creating toilet paper mummies I'm not sure, especially since they love unrolling the toilet paper at home, but they had lots of fun.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Winchester Park

MLM and MLD decided to branch out and try a new park in Winchester.  Results were much the same:  two happy toddlers.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Hanukkah falls very early this year.  The start of Hanukkah coincides with Thanksgiving, prompting one wicked smaht Bahstin woman to trademark the phrase "Thanksgivukkah".  Only in America, right? 

Well, here on our homestead we started the celebration even earlier.  A big box arrived via UPS.  The kids looked at it for days, convinced it was for them.  When we asked Ashley why she thought it was for her, she pointed to the "babies" on the box.  Kid had a point.

After the kids went to sleep we assembled the gift, all 120 pieces of it.  Took a while, and we went to bed pretty late.  The next morning, as the camera rolled, I finally understood why parents stay up late at night to do these sorts of crazy things.

Adam was the first one to see it:

Ashley wasn't far behind:

When I tried to get some final comments for the camera, this is all they could muster:


Monday, November 11, 2013

Day Trippin': Part 2

What's a day trip without pizza for lunch?  Ashley decided she didn't want pizza.  Instead she ate most of Daddy's chicken wings.  In this clip she's polishing off the celery and carrot sticks.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day Trippin': Part 1

We went to Newburyport last weekend.  Why?  Well, we were planning to go to Costco, but the citizens fell asleep in the car.  Rather than wake them up, we pointed the van north and headed for this lovely seaside town.  It was a beautiful day.  In the center of the square (a phrase you can only say in Massachusetts) is a fun place for the kids to play.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Shannon Beach

MLM's computer has been on the fritz recently, so we're a bit behind in the postings.  A few weeks ago we went to Shannon Beach which is very close to our home.  They have a beautiful park which the kids really enjoy:

Friday, November 1, 2013

Crunch and Munch

The carrot harvest wasn't exactly bountiful this year.  The citizens devoured all of them, except the big one, in short order:

Carrots are tasty.  Just keep the big carrot away from me.
Ashley liked the carrots, but soon lost interest and went off to play.  Adam, on the other hand, couldn't get enough of them:

My orange shirt matches the carrots!
Did you know you can munch on them from the side?
What is that over there?  Is that a carrot?
That is one obscene carrot.
Wondering about the big carrot?  The photo doesn't really do it justice.  I placed the ponytail holder in the photo just to give a sense of scale.  It's BIG.  And the other ones?  they are teensy-tiny. I think the big one took all of the soil nutrients away from the other carrots:

We're actually somewhat afraid to eat it.
