Friday, November 1, 2013

Crunch and Munch

The carrot harvest wasn't exactly bountiful this year.  The citizens devoured all of them, except the big one, in short order:

Carrots are tasty.  Just keep the big carrot away from me.
Ashley liked the carrots, but soon lost interest and went off to play.  Adam, on the other hand, couldn't get enough of them:

My orange shirt matches the carrots!
Did you know you can munch on them from the side?
What is that over there?  Is that a carrot?
That is one obscene carrot.
Wondering about the big carrot?  The photo doesn't really do it justice.  I placed the ponytail holder in the photo just to give a sense of scale.  It's BIG.  And the other ones?  they are teensy-tiny. I think the big one took all of the soil nutrients away from the other carrots:

We're actually somewhat afraid to eat it.


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