Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Strange Voices

I know what you're thinking.  Every one of these blog posts is about food.  And if they're not about food, we're in the supermarket.  Or Panera.  Both food-related.  So what you're thinking is, "Do these kids do anything other than eat all day long?

Yes!  The use smartphones too!

They have a few favorite apps.  One in particular, has a really strange voice... but these toddlers are just taken by it and request it frequently:

It didn't stop there.  Ashley discovered Karla's phone has these games too, so she left my phone with Adam to play with Karla and Ginger the Talking Cat (called " The Mishy Mishy Game"  in our home).  

Adam slowly adopted the "technology trance".  I was able to take lots of photos of him.  He didn't move!  At all!  It was wonderful!

Meanwhile, Ashley dropped Mishy Mishy in favor of a more "educational" game:

Adam even smiled for one of my photos!

Yes -- the smile was for me, not excitement for the game.  Honest!

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