Monday, January 26, 2015

2015 Boston Auto Show

What a good Daddy!  He heard about the 2015 Boston Auto Show and ran out to purchase tickets immediately.  After all, we have lots of car buffs in this family. 

Adam surprised us.  We thought he'd want to see a Subaru STI the most.  Nope!  All the kid talked about for the week before the show was finding a "wed MUST-ang" (red Mustang).  

First up:  Honda Racing Technology
Porsche?  Mommy didn't teach us about this one yet.
Red Miata.  Nice, but not the Red Mustang I'm looking for....
Cool!  A Mustang!  And it's blue!  Like my model SI at home!
Ooh... an orange Mustang.  Won't ever lose this one in the parking lot.

Whaddya think?  Is it me?
Buy me a Stingray Daddy.  I can see over the wheel!
Adam can keep the racecars.  I'm quite happy with this Soul.
Adam may have a point.  This Miata looks like fun!
Hey!  Adam's right!  These racecars are fun!

Mom may be a Corvette gal, but I think Mustangs are more my speed.
Fun was had by all, even if all we found were blue and orange Mustangs.