Friday, February 6, 2015

Until We Meet Again....

Karla flies home today to El Salvador.

When we met Karla, the tiny citizens were figuring out how to run and talk.  Here's an early blog post with Karla.  Adam promptly gave her a new name:  Daya.  For two years, Daya has been a big part of our lives.

Karla kissed many skinned knees (and correctly diagnosed the one which needed stitches).  She taught the kids how to count by putting raspberries on their fingers.  Karla helped the children learn the letters of the alphabet.  Her love of music was shared with the kids who now sing Beatles tunes when traveling in the car.  When you hear Adam and Ashley say "please" or "thank you", that's Karla's magic at work.  The great news is that we'll still have a few blog posts with Karla (I have yet to upload all of the files she's shared with me).

We hope that Karla will be able to come back to Boston to continue her studies.

Until then Karla, we wish you safe travels filled with much love, happiness and success.


  1. Words cannot thank you enough for taking care of our most precious kids. We wish you happiness and success in whatever you do and we hope to see your beautiful smile again. Vaya con Dios!

    1. Thank you so much for your words. You have been wonderful since I've meet you. I really appreciate all your kindnest
