Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Enchanted Village

There's a longstanding tradition in Boston each holiday season called the Enchanted Village.  I've always wanted to see it, so this year we took the A-Team during the winter school break.  

What exactly is the Enchanted Village?  Here's the description from Jordan's Furniture, a local retailer.
The Spirit of Boston’s Holidays 
Throughout the 1960's and into the 1970's, Jordan Marsh displayed the Enchanted Village in its Downtown Crossing store. The heart-warming display quickly became an integral part of New England’s seasonal celebrations. Until 1972, when Jordan Marsh closed the display, a trip to The Village was a traditional event.
A Tradition in Jeopardy
The Enchanted Village remained closed from 1972 until its rebirth in 1990. Then, in 1998, when Macy’s purchased Jordan Marsh, the Village was sold to the City of Boston for a City Hall Plaza display. In 2003, a lack of funding forced the Village to move to the Hynes Convention Center. By 2006, Boston stopped displaying The Village altogether. In 2009, the Village was put up for auction.
A Local Custom Continues
Jordan’s Furniture purchased the surviving pieces of the Enchanted Village at auction in May of 2009 and restored the vintage collection to its former glory. The Village is on permanent display here in Avon, and is open for all to enjoy during the holiday season. Whether you’re reliving your youth or starting a new family tradition, Jordan’s hopes your holidays are as enchanting as the Enchanted Village.

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