Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Talking 008

Tate has a wide vocabulary:

mominy mominy mominy = Mommy mommy mommy!
lee lee = water (with middle fingers crossed, tapping his teeth)
mai = more
muh muh = milk
ploo-pum-MAI = cucumbers
man-BOW = mango
buh-SPOW = brussels sprouts
hah fun! = have fun!
BLOO-flee = Goldfish crackers
ahs-LUH = applesauce
uh-MAHN-da = a gentle way to say "Amanda"
ta-LEE = Karly

We've also heard some interesting phrases lately:

If Tate wants you to hold him, he shouts "Hold you!  Hold you!"
If he wants to go outside, he pounds the windows and screams "Hah fun ow-tide!"
Or sometimes, he only wants to "go ow-tide a lil' bit"
Some nights, he demands "dinai ow-tide" (dinner outside)
If he wants to be picked up, you might hear "Uppity uppity up!"
If he wants to wear your ring, he'll say "Daddy wing on" (meaning to put it on Tate)

And our favorite:  when Tate gets hurt, someone always asks "what happened?"  So now he points to the boo-boo and cries "appen! appen!"

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