Sunday, October 29, 2017

Tate and the Tumblebus

The celebrating continued across state lines.  The Tumblebus rolled in to town, so Tate and his friends hopped on.  It might have been cloudy and a weirdly muggy outside, but inside the bus was all sunshine and happiness.

Lots of videos today, so grab your coffee cup and settle in.  It's going to be a fun ride!

First we see Tate checking out the equipment:

Then we see Daddy entertaining himself and Tate:

Tate wasn't such a fan of the rings, but his big bro and sis sure were:

What Tate really enjoyed was rolling on his head:

And what's a party without a zipline?

Even Adam and Ashley loved riding it:

And what better way to wrap up a party than to eat cake?

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