Sunday, March 31, 2019

Guest Videographer

Today dear reader, you have a job:  can you guess who today's videographer was?  Watch the videos and then guess!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Put 'Em Up

Put 'em up! Put 'em up! Put 'em up!

Tate is taking lessons from Daddy's gym class.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Four Months

Little Noah isn't so little!  He's four months old.  Favorite activities include the three S's:  smiling, snacking (on his fingers) and sleeping.

Hooray!  Four months!  I get food today!

What's it going to be?  Cake?  Ice cream?  Cookies?

I expect food in my belly.  Not a sticker on my belly.

This must be Mommy's idea of a joke.

Not funny.

I'll play along and smile and maybe I'll get something good!

I can imagine it now.  Handfuls of food!  I can hardly wait!

Yippee dog!  It's almost lunchtime!

I want a handful of potato chips.  What do you want?

No fair!  I don't want to wait for the pediatrician to tell us it's ok!  I'm a healthy kid!

Ooohhh dog.... is this cauliflower behind your ears?

With a special thanks to Andrea for taking these photos!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

His Fingers

Noah is experimenting with his fingers to decide which ones to suck on.  Seems like all of my guys like to suck on something.  Adam liked to nibble on Deedee the Dog (which gave rise to the famous "dichadee deedee" or "dirty deedee") or his bibs and Tate likes his middle two fingers.  We'll see where this tyke settles.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Cheap Date?

He might be young, but Noah is ready for a night on the town with his parents.  Since he munches on his hands, he's a cute AND cheap date!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Stylish Gal

She's one stylish gal, willing to take chances with a new 'do.  In the first photo you can see just how much length she took off:

Monday, March 25, 2019

Return of the Crafty Aunties, Part 2

Today we're proudly showing Part 2 of Return of the Crafty Aunties.  This time Noah is modeling "Blue/Green Ombre No. 2" with a guest appearance by Ashley.

Is Mommy taking more photos of me?  Doesn't she have anything else to do?

OK then, I'll give her my best smile.


Wait....  Why am I wearing a hat and sweater and Ashley is in a t-shirt?

This.  Isn't.  Fair!!!!!

Take it off!!!!  I'm hot!  We're inside!

Ahhh.  Better.  Just the hat to keep my keppie warm ;)

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Return of the Crafty Aunties, Part 1

The Crafty Aunties have done it again!  They have woven (well, knitted) their magical skills once again for Noah.  He's snug and warm throughout the winter and well into spring thanks to them!

Today we're modeling "Sweater in Blue No. 1" with Adam and Laura:

Saturday, March 23, 2019

U.S.S. Constitution

The kiddos took a trip to see the U.S.S. Constitution.  What a blast!  They got to sleep in hammocks, scrub the decks, hoist a goat and check out the entire ship.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Visit with Baba

It's always lots of fun when Baba and Dyede come to visit us! Dyede is a wonderful cameraman.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Catch Up

Just got some photos from Laura that I'd like to share.  Yes, they're from our trip last Christmas to The Breakers and the RI car museum, but they're so nice that I couldn't pass up the chance to post them.  Enjoy!

Monday, March 18, 2019

Twin Team

Every now and then these two collaborate in a very endearing way:

Monday, March 11, 2019

New Cousin in Town

Best part of living in a self-proclaimed "college town" is when your cousin decides to attend one of the schools in your town!  Here's to many more dinners with Daniella:

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Shirtless Hero (sort of)

Tate, our shirtless hero, is off to the rescue!

Oh. Not exactly shirtless.  It seems to be stuck around his head.


Saturday, March 9, 2019

Life with 4?

MLG asked me what it's like to have 4 children.  I showed her this video.  It pretty much sums up everything in a nutshell.

As an added note of interest and humor, the kids are singing "Ma Nishtana", the Passover recitation of 4 questions that the youngest child asks each year during the seder meal.  The basic idea behind the questions?  Why is this night [Passover] different from all other nights?  I can assure you that this video, which was captured on a very ordinary night, is NO different than any other night around our homestead ;)

Friday, March 8, 2019

Bundle of Energy

Lately Tate is a bundle of energy and doesn't slow down for anything unless you put him in a carseat.  Then it's a relatively fast and incredibly cute lights out: