Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Arroz con Leche

Ashley sings a song called "Arroz con Leche" that she learned from Andrea and Laura.  Here she sings it to Noah who seems to like it just as much as she does:

If you're interested in learning the lyrics, here you go:

Arroz con leche me quiero casar
con una señorita de la capital
Que sepa cocer
Que sepa cocinar
Que sepa abrir la puerta
Para ir a jugar
Con esta si
Con esta no!
Con esta señorita me caso yo!

Loose translation:
Rice and milk, I want to get married,
With a lady from the city
Who knows how to sew
Who knows how to cook
Who knows how to open the door
To hang out and play
This one yes
This one no
With this lady I’ll marry!

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