Tuesday, August 27, 2019

We Miss You!

Earlier this summer, Laura finished her au pair term with us and returned to her family in Colombia.  We miss her so much!

Here are some photos from our last week together.  First there was the fun sleepover in her room:

Then the house air conditioning broke, so the kids spent a few more nights sleeping in the basement because it was almost 8 degrees cooler down there than in our bedrooms:

Finally the day came when we had to say goodbye.

Even thought it was only 5:30 AM, the kids woke up to give her one last hug goodbye. 

We sent Laura off with a surprise in her suitcase to discover when she landed at home:

To some it might seem strange, but after almost two years of living with my cooking, Laura developed a fondness for matzoh balls.  Matzo meal may be common in our grocery stores, but it's not in Laura's, so this will be a special treat for her family.

We miss you Laura!  Next time you make chicken soup, make sure to add some noodles and matzoh balls.  Eat mamaleh, eat!

1 comment:

  1. Best post! Not a dry eye in the house! Cutest outfits! Best photography! A surefire winner in all categories! Don't miss!
