Monday, September 30, 2019

Diana's Baths

On our trip to NH, we stopped at Diana's Baths, a waterfall in North Conway.  It was a short hike to a spectacular set of falls that the kids romped around in for quite a few hours.  Next time we'll bring a picnic and make a full day of it.

Midway through the short hike, we had a small problem:  Tate's shorts.  They kept falling down.

No problem!  MLD to the rescue!  He whipped out some twine and his knife (because doesn't everyone everyone carry this for emergencies?) and voila!  Fixed.

Repair in process

Detail of the finished product

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Summer Travels, Part 2

Yes, school has already started and you're anxiously awaiting the "first day of school" photos.  Well, you're going to have to wait a bit longer because I'm not finished sharing the summer's excitement.

We also had long vacation to New Hampshire!  It seems that no New Englander escapes childhood without visiting North Conway at least once to visit: Storyland!

Sometimes it was hard to tell who was having more fun:  Daddy or the kids?

What a fun day it was for everyone!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

8 Years Old!

Can you believe it?  Another birthday?  These two are growing like weeds!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Summer Travels

It was such a busy summer that I'm still not finished reporting all that we did!  In today's post we're going to cover the Western MA trips.  First up, an overnight in Springfield, MA:

With a visit to Six Flags the next day:

And even though it's been very hot, humid, and somewhat exhausting to do all of these trips, when I turn to the back seat and see this cute smile:

I know it's all been worth it.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


After all of these busy summer weekends, we all needed some downtime:

Monday, September 2, 2019

Camp Chef

There was a cooking hobby at camp this summer, which amazed me, quite frankly.  With all of the allergies and dietary requirements out there these days, you'd think it was easier to take kids into the woods with the threat of ticks than it is to take them into a kitchen with knives, nuts and gluten.  Those ticks must be really nasty because every camp we've visited has either a "cooking" or "culinary" hobby available to the kids.  So different than when I went to camp...

Each week I would receive a list of ingredients from the cooking specialist as one last double-check to ensure there were no allergy issues.  For this particular week, there was nothing suspicious, but I also couldn't figure out what they were going to cook.

Until I saw Ashley teaching Tate:

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Camp for a Day

We spent many weekends this summer visiting sleepaway camps because the A-team are old enough to attend next summer.  We were able to snap photos at most of the camps we visited, which was great because the kids were having so much fun.

First we saw one cousin at Camp Watitoh:

And then we saw two other cousins at Camp Crane Lake:

Which camp will we choose?  Wait until June 2020 to find out!