Monday, December 30, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

One more critical post before 2019 comes to a close:  Thanksgiving.  This was a record-breaking year:  three tables of family and friends (27 people in all, for those who are counting). 

What did it take to pull this off?

  • 3 three sets of china, with many thanks to MLG for schlepping MLGG's set all the way from NY
  • two turkeys on 1 pellet smoker
  • 12 carnival squash
  • 6 bags of dried bread (for stuffing)
  • enough butter to make a cardiologist faint
  • the right crowd to make it all worth the effort
Here are some fun photos from the meal:

Special thanks to MLD, Nicole and everyone who pitched in to make this evening a success!

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