Sunday, April 12, 2020

Project Linus, Year #1

Our kids were motivated to give back to Boston Children's Hospital in Noah's memory. As a family, we decided to donate time and materials to create Project Linus fleece blankets for the babies who are on the same floor (Med/Surg) as Noah once was.

We thought it would be great to get a group of their friends together to help.  Everyone responded to the call enthusiastically.

The goal:  to create infant sized (for car seats and strollers) fleece blankets and hats.

In one hour, we completed 18 blankets and 25 hats.  Whoohoo!  The intent is to donate them in May. They're sitting in a plastic bag, waiting for the right moment to be transported to BCH.  We'll see what the virus allows us to do on that timeframe.
Adam's table at work
Ashley's table at work
The handy hat-maker table
Finished blankets

We hope this will be an annual project for our family.  If you're interested in participating in some way, please contact me and I'll share more information with you.

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