Saturday, June 6, 2020

Homeschooling Lesson #41: American History 1750 - 1850

Much happened in the North American eastern seaboard between 1750 and 1850.  The colonies found themselves embroiled in one war after another. 

After winning the War of Independence against England, the people were no longer colonists, but citizens of the newly formed United States of America.

Yadda yadda the idea of manifest destiny became incredibly important to many Americans, some of whom:

  • wanted to seek better opportunities (read: make money)
  • were looking for adventure (read:  escaping the law and/or debt)
  • were seeking to escape the winter snow in exchange for blazing humidity and heat, 
  • were seeking to live life to its fullest by living far away from any store, person, or ability to purchase a small bag of sugar (pure insanity!).

Whatever the reason, it is this time period which has captured the interest of one of our citizens.  One day he's a colonist; the next a British soldier.  In one clip, MLD is helping him secure a fort.  In another, our colonist trades in his braid and breeches to become a wild west cowboy.

Well, partner, ya never know what to expect in dese here parts, now do ya?

And here he's preparing for his next march:

By the way... remember how I suggested you watch the kids' hair grow out?  Compare the photos above to the post where I recommended this!

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